Thursday, January 27, 2011

Being Sick

This has been an insane week. I am super sick. It is a huge pain in the ass. I have had to miss a couple days of work, which is no good and makes me sad. I do not like to call in sick! I also have a ton to do to get ready for college. Including financial aid stuff that is confusing. I guess looking at this all written down, it doesn't look very insane. It just feels that way. Probably because I am seeing through sick colored glasses.

Reading on my Kindle has been awesome so far. Literally no complaints. I definitely prefer it to the Nook, which is a nice bonus, because I only changed e-readers due to customer service issues. I didn't think that the devices would be that different, but they are. Here are some of the biggest differences as far as I'm concerned:
  • The Kindle is a lot more basic. You don't customize things as much and it doesn't have games.
  • The Kindle is much, much smaller. Very nice for reading one handed.
  • It also has WAY nicer buttons for turning pages if you like to read one handed.
  • Speaking of buttons, I prefer Kindles buttons to the Nook touch screen that works only half the time.
  • Navigation on Kindle is a lot more simple.
  • On the Kindle, fonts are way more customizable. You can change every little thing about them.
  • Kindle shows percentage read as opposed to pages read on the Nook. This makes more sense because on e-readers, sometimes one page is actually four page clicks.
The Incredible Shrinking ManThere are a lot more differences, but unless you have an e-reader, you could probably care less, so I won't go on and on :)

I finished the Incredible Shrinking Man by Richard Matheson. I liked it a lot, didn't love it. It was a little bit slow getting into and I preferred the flashback parts to the present. This novel held my attention and it was a lot of fun. I was surprised how much sexual stuff the movie left out. Pedophilia, midget sex, more pedophilia... you get the point. It had a great ending. This book did not disappoint!
Rating: 7/10

Last night, while in a Nyquil haze, I started reading The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession by Allison Hoover Bartlett. I am 25% into it and am loving it. This may be due to the fact that I too am obsessed with books and can somewhat relate to the book thief. I don't know if this was meant to be a book you relate to, but for me it is. Since getting my Nook, and now my Kindle, my obsession with owning physical copies of books has dissipated, but it used to be somewhat out of control. It still kind of is even with an e-reader. Books are my passion. That is basically what this book is about. It is a true crime story, so it also fits into my year goal of reading more nonfiction. Go me!

It seems like everyone is sick right now, so get better!!! Hopefully these flu bugs and colds will go away very soon.
Here are some quotes:

"How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being."- Oscar Wilde
"You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life."- Albert Camus

"If you want to be happy, be."- Leo Tolstoy

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